Friday, January 15, 2010

FAQ about my Uganda trip (part 1)

So, only 5 weeks left before I leave for Uganda, Africa. The purpose - to provide missionary dentistry to people in the African bush.

How long is the flight?  Total time in the airplanes will be about 19 hours.

How long will you be gone?  2 weeks

Where is Uganda?! It is in Africa, on the eastern side (click here to see a map) Africa Map

Where in Uganda will you be going? We are flying into Entebbe which is near the capital city of Kampala. From there, we will be going away from the city into the bush areas.  Uganda Map

What will the weather be like? Entebbe is on the equator so I'm expecting it to be hot! Although, from what I've read, temperatures during Feb / March will be on average around 78 degrees but will have at least 80% humidity.  So it will be nice and sticky. Just what a curly haired girl wants to hear....

Stay tuned for more info.