Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Last "American" Day

I woke up this morning acutely aware of all the "lasts" I will have for a while. For example, my last hot American shower and using the 50 products after the shower that I normally use to get ready. (It's hard being a woman!).  My last "American" church service for a while (the whole church prayed over me and Bonnie as we prepared for our departure). My last "American" sandwich, although, I had prosciutto so technically, it was an Italian sandwich.

I guess my mind was subconsciously preparing me for a complete shift of cultural experiences.  I have been out of the country before (ie. Mexico, Italy, Canada, etc) Yet, somehow, as I prepare for this trip, it feels different.

I'm also keenly aware of the wonderful people God has placed in my life.  I'm blessed to have wonderful neighbors who posted "Bon Voyage" signs on their garages for me to see on my way to church this morning. I'm blessed to have friends and family who dropped off snacks and goodie bags for my flight. And I'm blessed to have wonderful patients who have put aside their own needs so that I can help others overseas.  In fact, these darling girls and their girl scout troop collected over 1000 pencils, erasers and sharpeners for me to bring to the kids there. And my neighbor and their girl scout troop collected pencils and stickers too!

I have plenty of pictures to post and I haven't even been there yet! However, I have just packed my camera and since I'm leaving for the airport in 45 minutes, there is no way I would be able to post them right now.  Maybe later while I'm waiting for my flight.

Well, here I go!  I'm going to go outside and watch my boys play basketball until we leave for the airport.
Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    We are friends of Bonnie's and are excited to follow your journey! God bless you both. Can't wait to hear about your adventures.
    With you in Him,
    The Richert Family
