Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ponchos and water and money....oh my!

Ok, so the poncho... I met a lady who has been to Uganda a couple of times and she strongly recommended that I bring a poncho.  Since Uganda has 80% humidity, I automatically assumed it would be used for the daily downpours.  But no...the poncho, my friends, is for the following purpose:

Some areas where I will be traveling will not have bathrooms.  I will literally have to squat in the bushes. (Sorry for the visual folks)  The poncho is to cover yourself while taking care of business!

As I mentioned in the previous post, my neighbor brought a poncho to my Bon Voyage party.  She had the guests sign it.  And the joke of the evening was that I would have good reading material in "the bathroom".  She named it "Dr. Josie's Hienie Hider".  It was quite hilarious.

Many people are asking me what the drinking water situation is out there.  It is not good! The Ventura County Public Health nurse, who went over missionary travel instructions with me, advised me not to drink the water and to avoid ice cubes.  We were told that we will have bottled water available to drink. However, I am still brining potable aqua tablets just incase. It's amazing what the Camping isle at Walmart carries!

The money system is weird.  We were advised to bring money that was printed in the last couple of years.  If we don't, we won't get as good of an exchange rate!  Apparently, counterfitting is rampant in the area, so any American dollars printed before 2005 will receive significantly less on the exchange.

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